Raízes - Restart
Have you ever thought about understanding the root of everything your body feels, or those behaviors you no longer want in your life?!
Our symptoms and behaviors are the result of emotional issues and it is possible to deal with each of them without the use of medication, from the perspective of a new medicine.
In this therapeutic service, we will investigate your personal life using as a starting point symptoms or questions that are being presented. We will seek an understanding of your history, accessing the origin of your symptoms/issues that you want to treat.
During the session, we will work on the perceptions you have about the events, and the symptoms or issues presented are the clues that help us to reconnect with the lived story.
The goal is to connect you with your true identity, bringing new insights and coherence to your own story.
Issues that can be worked on: physical (symptoms, illnesses), emotional, psychological and behavioral issues
Session duration: 1 hour
Online and live session, without recording
To schedule a ROOTS - Reprogramming session, click on the button below.